What you need to know about Medical VS. Adult-Use Cannabis
Medical – As long as qualifying conditions are met, there is no age limit for patients.
Recreational – Must be at least 21 years of age.
Medical – Can currently purchase up to two and a half ounces every two weeks.
*Medical patients can also legally possess up to two and a half ounces.
Recreational – Can purchase up to one ounce (with no more than five grams being concentrates/extracts) per transaction at a dispensary.
*Recreational Patients are only legally allowed to possess up to one ounce (with no more than five grams being concentrates/extracts)
Medical – There are no limitations on Edible dosing for Medical patients.
Recreational – Edibles are limited to 100mg (THC) per pack and 10mg (THC) per serving.
Medical – 9.25% sales tax
Recreational – 9.25% sales tax plus 16% excise tax = 25.25% total
Medical and Recreational patients are encouraged to utilize our online ordering system.
**Online orders cannot be place after 6pm.
**If you place an online order, you cannot change or add to that order once it is filled. If you need to make a change, you will have to wait in our regular line. Arizona Hard Money Lenders